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Perfect Storm Success Stories

In order to reverse this “Perfect Storm” that nearly every family gets stuck in, we must “reverse” the hierarchy of health care for the family. Instead of going to medication and therapeutic intervention first, we should have a health care system that instead turns to these as the last resort. Our upcoming workshop will show you how to calm the storm and restore peace.

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April 27th at 8:00 PM in Central Time (US and Canada)


Feels Like Our Home Away From Home – Perfect Storm Success

c-c smiling“Like his older brother, Cameron was finally diagnosed with autism. Autism is hard. It’s also just one part of a person who has it. For us, autism is seeking sensory input, significantly delayed speech, and a lot of future unknowns. It’s hard not to worry. Even with an ABA therapy team, a whole-food-based diet, and an active lifestyle. We felt something more could be done to advocate for our boys.

Since care at HFC began, Cam is trying to randomly and purposefully vocalize new sounds! He can request items without relying solely on pointing. We love hearing his voice!

The entire staff is like a family. The environment is like a home away from home. My boys get excited when I pick them up from school and say, “We’re on our way to see the Dr. Daves!

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

A Happy Member of the HFC Family – Perfect Storm Success

Calvin photo“Calvin was diagnosed with autism at age four. Even with early intervention services and a variety of therapy types, he still has speech and sensory challenges. Several weeks ago, Calvin had his first scan. He has had three adjustments per week. Imagine our excitement to learn that HFC’s philosophy of health and wellness directly overlaps with our own. Whole foods, exercise, and ABA therapy have helped Calvin overcome challenges, but we wondered, could the doctors provide us with the missing piece to unlock Calvin’s true potential?

In the short time our son has become a member of the HFC family, we are happy to report that his speech has expanded and improved. He now completes song lyrics, spontaneously uses three and four word phrases, and seeks out his peers. He was not doing these things before care at HFC! Yay Calvin!

Warm, inviting, and genuine! No pressure, just had the feeling that this would be a safe, healthy, and beneficial environment to help us advocate for our son.”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

We Love Being Part Of The HFC Tribe – Perfect Storm Success

rumi-k-headshot“We started chiropractic care as a last resort for Rumi when we were not seeing any results from visiting other doctors and specialists. Rumi stopped talking when she turned 3 years old and began to have digestive issues which resulted in chronic constipation for over a year and a half. She was also diagnosed with Autism due to her regression in April of 2018. Due to her constipation, she seemed to always be miserable and uncomfortable. We weren’t able to leave the house most days because she wouldn’t want to keep her pants on because she always felt like she had to use the bathroom. It was ruining our lives. We tried seeing a GI specialist and did what they recommended and STILL did not resolve her issues. I started doing research and found that Hanson Family Chiropractic was specialized in pediatric therapy and had so many great reviews. So, I decided to make the 40 minute drive and meet with Dr. Hanson for a consultation.

We are 6 weeks through therapy and Rumi’s constipation issues have fully resolved!! Not only is she having regular daily bowel movements, but she is all around a much happier and healthier little person. She has begun using words again, trying new foods, and even plays with her younger sister who she used to avoid and ignore completely. It has truly been life changing for her and us, as a family!

All 3 of my kids get treated by Dr. Hanson and Dr. Hopper. They love both of them and are excited to see them when we come in. The staff is incomparable. They are AMAZING. They’ve become like family to us and we are so glad God sent us this way. They go above and beyond to accommodate and make you feel welcome. They even help me take the kids back to the car when I need an extra hand! Everyone always asks me why I drive so far to take my kids to a chiropractor when there are so many near where we live. My answer to them is that when I first met Dr. Hanson, he was so passionate about chiropractic therapy and knowledgeable that I felt in my heart this was where we were meant to be. The whole office makes the 40 minute drive worth every second. We love being part of the HFC Tribe.”-Mom

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

The Brightest Spot In Our Week – Perfect Storm Success

Neurostorm-maddux-testimonial“Maddux was two years old when a vaccine injury caused speech disfluency and limping and the emotional outbursts began shortly after that. The limping went away after awhile but the speech disfluency and the emotional outbursts got worse. The frustration he felt over the speech disfluency caused emotional outbursts and the emotional outbursts increased his disfluency. Right before Maddux began speech therapy, he told me he felt hopeless. We began speech therapy and saw small successes and a little progress. His speech therapist still wasn’t seeing the results she’d hoped for and more issues seemed to keep popping up.

After chiropractic care, Maddux’s disfluency is almost non-existent. In fact, just last week, his speech therapist told us she thinks she will be able to discharge him as a speech therapy patient!! Maddux’s emotional outbursts are better and things that once were once huge triggers to his emotional outbursts no longer phase him.

Everyone at HFC is so kind, thoughtful, and caring to myself and my whole crew! Every day that we go to HFC is the brightest spot in our week. Dr. Dave and Dr. Hopper are awesome and my kids feel so comfortable around them. Dr. Hopper did a great job explaining to me what was going on inside Maddux’s body and coming up with a care plan for him.”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

My Son Can Focus – Perfect Storm Success

Lucas photo“My son Joshua started care when he was 7 years old due to him having sensory issues and ADHD. He couldn’t focus or sit still and he always had to be touching something or holding something in his hand. Soon after starting care he was able to sit at his desk for longer periods of time. His focus has gotten better slowly as the years have gone by. He is now almost 11 years old and he was not needed to go on any ADD medication. His health has improved as well because Dr. dave helped me realize that he had an intolerance to dairy. Joshua has been healthy. No more ear infections or bronchitis. He also can sit and focus much better without the use of medication which was my main goal since they have side effects. Joshua thinks Dr. dave is really funny and is very comfortable going to get his adjustments. The staff are very sweet and kind to Joshua and make him feel very special”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

I Feel Like our Daughter is Back – Perfect Storm Success

Ada photo“Ada, now 6, was diagnosed with sensory processing disorder around age 4. Since birth there was an “unsettledness” to her – emotional outbursts, tip toe walking, inability to focus. We’ve tried all sorts of therapy, diet changes, activity, and as she began 1st grade and went to school all day, we had a feeling we would face some new challenges with her body and inability to stay on task. Her unsettled approach to life used to affect EVERYTHING – the mood of our house, her relationship with her 2 brothers and us, her parents. Almost like we couldn’t be close to her because her outlook on life was so difficult to predict. Almost like she didn’t have mental clarity and felt anxious most of her day. Slowly but surely that has begun to shift. Ada sleeps better and is overall more healthy and able to fight colds. She is now more able to calm herself down and stay regulated emotionally. Her outbursts and tantrums are so infrequent and even when she does have them, they aren’t physical and there’s no screaming involved. She’s able to accurately describe her feelings with clarity and tell what has made her upset. She doesn’t tip toe walk either and seems more grounded physically and mentally. Ada has always been extremely cautious in new situations. That proved to be true when starting chiropractic care, BUT… EVERYONE was and is SO patient, SO inviting, SO genuinely caring- that it didn’t take long for her to run to the car in excitement and anticipation when she learned she had an appointment. Dr. Dave moves at the pace he knows Ada can handle. He is gentle, and understanding and very knowledgeable. You can tell he loves his job and believes in his calling.”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Christian with doctor

Great Strides Made in a Month – Perfect Storm Success

“Christian was diagnosed with autism right before his 3rd birthday. When researching online I found Hanson Family Chiropractic services. I read all the great reviews and couldn’t wait to get Christian in. In this short month we have seen great things. Christian has more energy and is a lot more curious. He has been able to relax and calm himself down. He has also been open to more activities. So excited to see the end result!

Dr. Dave is so knowledgeable, easy to talk to and understand. Natasha, Brittany and Rachael are great, super friendly and welcoming.”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

We Have Seen a HUGE Improvement – Perfect Storm Success

Photo of Keegan “Keegan has sensory processing issues, anxiety and impulse control issues. He has also had a rough year with infections (especially ear infections). He displayed sensory issues since birth. We researched chiropractic care after seeing specialists, therapists, counselors, etc. It has freely affected Keegan’s life! His anxiety makes it hard to go to stores, places with crowds, basically anywhere. His sensory issues affect basically every aspect of his life. As a parent, it was hard to watch. We have tried physical therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapists, GI doctors, ENT doctors, various doctors, counseling, sensory diets, sensory programs, name it, we probably tried it. We have seen major improvements in his health and immune system! We have noticed less ear infections, seen regular bowel movements with no constipation! His breathing has become much better and I barely hear him cough! His anxiety is better. We can go to the grocery store or crowded places with less interventions. His impulse control has gotten much better! He is becoming better at focusing. We have seen a HUGE improvement with his motor skills! It’s truly amazing! We have also noticed an increase in trying new foods which has been problematic in the past due to his sensory issues. After the start of his care with Dr. Hanson, we have noticed a better sleep pattern with Keegan. I was able to have my first sleep over with him, where he actually slept! We believe that chiropractic care was the missing piece of the puzzle for Keegan. I was also so surprised how still Keegan sat during his last scan! I was so proud of him! I know how hard it is for him to just sit, especially for more than one minute!

Dr. Dave was great with our child. He was always patient, kind and understanding. On a few occasions, Keegan was having a bad sensory day and did not want to be touched or adjusted, but Dr. Dave made it fun for Keegan and helped him through it. All of the staff have been wonderful and welcoming. We love to the way they interact with our with our kids and make us feel right at home!”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Chiropractic care has really helped my son deal with his ADHD – Perfect Storm Success

Natasha photo “Joe was dignosed when he was 8 (he’s 10 now) with severe ADHD, not knowing any other alternatives we decided to do what a lot of parents do and listen to the doctor and put him on medicine. Deep down it crushed my husband and I to do this to him, but since he wasn’t doing good in school we felt like we had no choice. In the being of October after putting Joe to bed one night he said to me… ‘Mom, why do I have to have ADHD? I HATE having it, my mind won’t shut off and is always going 10,000mph.’ This BROKE my heart as a mother to hear him say this. I asked him if his medicine helped and he said yeah but I HATE taking it! He didn’t like the way it made him feel. So the next day I made it my mission to do some research and try to find another route to help him. I came across Dr. Dave’s workshop on ADHD. What he said made sooo much sense! So I showed my husband and he agreed that I should contact HFC. Joe was a HUGE nail biter and always had very high anxiety. Well since seeing Dr. Dave I’m happy to say he no longer is biting his nails and isn’t nearly as stressed as he use to be. His mood has improved so much that he is always happy and smiling and that is such a wonderful thing to see since I was used to seeing the ‘stressed out’ Joe. I know we still have some work to do but I can finally say I’m starting to have my happy boy back! I don’t even know were to begin! From the very first moment I called and talked to Natasha, to the first time meeting with Dr. Dave I could feel the postive engery. Dr. Dave sat down with my husband and I and really listened to what we both had to say. That right there I knew he was the person to help Joe! So many doctors don’t take the time to really listen to you and rush you out. Dr. Dave is awesome with Joe and is always more than happy to answer my questions. I love walking in and seeing the big smiles on Natasha and Brittany’s faces! You can just feel all the postive energy when you walk in! What I would like to tell others is never be afraid to try another route, especially if your current route doesn’t feel right. I was afraid to at first, but I’m so glad I did! Chiropractic care has really helped my son deal with his ADHD and I couldn’t be more grateful! Thank you HFC for helping Joe! I will forever be grateful for you guys!!”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Makes Me Feel Like I Am Not Alone – Perfect Storm Success

Andrew photo“I decided to seek chiropractic care for Andrew to find less invasive ways to treats Andrew’s conditions. Andrew was diagnosed with ADHD and sensory integration disorder in February 2016. At the time, we decided on medication but found early on we needed to seek help with more treatment options. Right now we have Andrew under chiropractic care and occupational therapy and have been very happy with the progress Andrew has made. The small successes keep me fighting for Andrew’s well-being. It’s challenging to make peace with the fact that your son struggles, but what keeps me fighting is the simple but important changes. For instance, Andrew just recently had two consecutive days of a good report from school. He has also started to really enjoy basketball and can play for more than 15 minutes. Just two months ago, he wouldn’t have had the attention span for it. Dr. Dave has been patient and listened to me, making me feel like I’m not alone. There are good days and bad days with Andrew, which makes me also experience highs and lows with him. I walk into the practice and instantly feel like the the entire team is there for us. The positivity is undeniable!”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Sensory Processing Disorder – Perfect Storm Success

Drew and Dr. Dave“I noticed Drew wasn’t developing typically when he was 2 years old. The tantrums were epic, he wasn’t trying to speak or communicate with pointing, his energy was boundless, he was very particular about what he ate (only rotini shaped pasta…no other shape will do!), and life was utterly challenging. He was never a ‘go-with-the flow’ kiddo, so we stuck to his schedule, kept our heads down and carried on. On the outside I tried to keep it together for family and friends, but inside I was a wreck. I didn’t understand what was happening to my baby and all I wanted to do was help him. His highs were beautiful but his lows were the worst. So after many discussions, evaluations, and sleepless nights- the conclusion was that our precious boy had Sensory Processing Disorder and was on the Autism spectrum. Or what I like to think of now as: a starting point. So our little family dove in. I immediately reduced my hours at work to focus on his road to recovery. We knew it was going to be a long road, but we were ready to get started. With an IEP in hand, Drew started school, private speech, counseling services, and weekly OT. With the services we were receiving, we were given great advice on how to handle Drew’s behaviors…but nothing was getting to the root of the behavior. Drew BIn October/November 2015, Drew was having a really hard time at school/daycare. Such a hard time that his Special Education teacher took a trip to his daycare to observe him with the school psychologist. There we found out that he wasn’t participating in school activities with the other children. That he was getting physical with some of the other students and that during circle time he was sitting by himself eating apples instead of interacting with the class. Mind you, he was perfectly happy eating the apples…but that wasn’t the point! Frustrated I remember yelling…”How do we get him to the table?!” I was losing hope.

Read More from Nicky B »

During this time we made an OT switch and met Miss Brooke at My Recess Inc. She recommended we visit Dr. Dave and his team at Hanson Family Chiropractic. Before our first appointment I watched Dr. Dave’s YouTube video ‘The Perfect Storm’ and found myself in tears. This was the first scientific explanation I received of what was happening to my kiddo and it made logical sense. We were all in. Drew had his first adjustment the day before Christmas Eve, probably the best Christmas present we got! Not long after Drew started getting adjustments we saw a change at home, and more importantly to us, at school. He was able to focus and feel comfortable in his skin. He started interacting with other children and wanting to play with them. He could finally SIT AT THE TABLE with his peers! He was participating in circle time, making strides at speech, rocking it at OT…to be honest, WE were surprised by all of his progress! I am forever thankful to Dr. Dave and his staff for welcoming us to their Chiropractic family and restoring our hope. Drew’s future continues to brighten day by day, and I feel so incredibly blessed to have Dr. Dave on our ‘Dream Team’! He is kind, patient, and compassionate and only wants the best life for your family. Thank you Hanson Family Chiropractic for all that you do! PS- I coincidentally received the following photos as I was writing this today! This would have never happened 6 months ago! Go Drew Go!”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Seeking help with Speech Delays and Sensory Processing Disorder – Perfect Storm Success

Photo of Cole“We sought out Chiro care for our 4 yo son Cole after we learned it could be helpful with speech delays and sensory processing disorder. Cole was born prematurely and so had always seemed to struggle with low core strength and fine motor deficiencies, in addition to, a significant speech delay and also sensitivities to sensory information. We enrolled him in the Early Childhood Program at AGS once he turned 3 and there he receives speech, OT and PT which has helped immensely, but he still appeared to be struggling quite a bit so we were looking for something more. We have noticed a dramatic difference in Cole since beginning Chiro care just 2 months ago. He’s able to process sensory information without becoming overwhelmed. Previously he’d had a difficult time in highly stimulating environments, he’d become clingy and would have meltdowns. Now he’s much less emotional, even when we know he’s tired. He’d formerly used a pacifier to self regulate and last week he opted to throw it out all by himself! His core strength has improved as well. He now self corrects his ‘W’ sit and sat criss crossed for the first time ever! His independence with daily living skills has taken off as well, where before he had struggled even to just remove his shoes.

Read More from Heather K. »

His speech intelligibility and the amount of words he is saying have also improved significantly. It’s like suddenly everything in his body has ‘clicked’ and each system is communicating effectively throughout. He’s talking up a storm. For the first time EVER yesterday, I asked him to please stop talking for a minute : ) I never thought the day would come when I’d have to say that to him as just a year ago he was only talking at a 15 month old level. Above all else, he’s sleeping great. Cole had only slept through the night maybe 20 times since birth (remember he’s 4!) and for the past 3 weeks he’s slept a solid 11-12 hours without so much as a peep. Cole loves going to see Dr. Dave and his staff to get “squished” as we call it. He feels completely comfortable with the routine and actually enjoys his appointments. Dr. Dave and his staff do an amazing job connecting with each of their patients and truly care about your child’s well being. It’s wonderful to see a healthcare facility show such passion for their work, as they know the dramatic difference it can make in the life of a child! We are truly grateful for all they have done for Cole and our family!” -H.K.

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Our son is happier, more relaxed, calmer, and with a significantly improved attention span – Perfect Storm Success

Photo of boy“Our son started chiropractic care because he was struggling with sensory and attention issues that were causing a lot of problems with learning, at school, socially, and especially with risk-taking and self-control. We had him in numerous therapies including OT, speech, Feldenkrais, sensory pool class and more, but although he made some progress, the risk-taking continued to be serious enough for both his neurologist and neuropsychologist to strongly recommend medication. We really didn’t want to put him on medication. Although we didn’t believe in chiropractors before Dr. Dave, we were willing to try almost anything to avoid medication. Our son has improved dramatically over the past several months! He is happier, more relaxed, calmer, and with a significantly improved attention span. In a meeting, the school stated that they don’t even think he has ADHD. He was in a self-contained special education class of 7 children with 5 teachers and aides, and now is in a mainstream class with 22 children and 2 teachers. He is a joy to be with and is forming close friendships. His academic work is now at or ahead of grade level because he’s calm enough to learn. Our family can now enjoy outings together without worry, and the trajectory of his life has changed because he’s in control of himself. My sons love coming to Dr. Dave’s office. He and his staff are so much fun and they make the environment welcoming for children. My kids love the play area. We’re grateful to Dr. Dave for helping our son, and for helping our whole family!”
-Mom & Dad

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!

Showing Progress Across the Board – Perfect Storm Success

Emmett photo“Our family looked into chiropractic care after our OT suggested it and after attending the ADHD workshop Dr. Dave presented at his office. My husband and I had many “ah-ha” Emmett moments during his presentation. We had long known Emmett’s behavior and attention suffered due to sleep apnea. He had his adenoids removed and tubes in his ears at 20 months old. While we saw some improvements following the surgery, the benefits waned as Emmett grew. His attention and fine motor issues became the focus as he started attending preschool full time. At age 4, Emmett started attending private OT sessions at My Recess Inc. and a social group at Riverview Counseling Services, Ltd. While both of these helped immensely with his focus and motor skills, Emmett still struggled to consistently show progress.

After receiving chiropractic care, Emmett sleeps soundly each night, and he wakes rested in the morning! We have also seen a huge change in his ability to process situations that make him frustrated or upset. We are able to talk through his frustration much more easily. Emmett now shows consistent progress with all therapists as well! He has made so much progress that he only sees his therapists bi-monthly! Dr. Dave and his team are amazing! They are all personable, caring and knowledgeable. The organized way Dr. Dave personalizes each patient’s care is THE reason so many patients see success! The place is remarkable!”

Does this sound like your child? Click here watch our Perfect Storm Virtual Workshop. We’d love to support your family!


Perfect Storm Success Stories for Hanson Family Chiropractic | (630) 230-6416